Library Of Joy

The Power of Now

Every Saturday and Sunday 7 Pm Online

There is a way out of suffering”, says Eckhart in his book The Power of Now. Very promising and radical thing to say, Isn’t it? And quite unbelievable too, since in reality our lives do not verify this statement. Almost everyone is going through some or the other kind of strife and pain and it seems like a very natural obvious state. A state which doesn’t seem to give up.

Well, Eckhart doesn’t agree,

He has found a way to end unhappiness, pain and suffering which he beautifully
describes in the book. “Live in the present moment”, as this moment OR the ‘Now’ is all there ever is. The Now is the only real dimension, where life unfolds and can be experienced and lived. This profound teaching is the central theme in the book. Another miraculous thing which happens when we bring all our attention in the Now, is that almost instantly the suffering or Pain that we may be experiencing…. subsides and dissolves.

Wow! Really? How does that happen? What changes when we are completely focused in the present moment? And there are many more questions and layers which will be unfolded and understood once we start reading this book, line by line, chapter by chapter.

What are you waiting for? Jump in and register for this most powerful spiritual book of our time that has the potential to transform and elevate our life.

See you at the book reading,
Love Debashish

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