Library Of Joy

Discover The Journey To Inner Peace

Join us for interactive book reading sessions where we explore the depths of wisdom literature, share ideas and build a community of passionate readers


A New Earth – by Eckhart Tolle

Every Tuesday 6.30 – 7.30pm at Auroville Library, A New Earth is the second instalment by Eckhart Tolle after the immensely successful and acclaimed book “The Power of Now”. Some say it is as good as...

Meet Debashish Baidya

A Passionate Reader, Spiritual Life Practitioner, Building a Community of Book Lovers

An advocate of spiritual conscious living, who believes in the power of books to transform lives. Having love for wisdom literature and philosophy books that spans across cultures and eras, Debashish Baidya created “Library of Joy” to share this love with others. What started as personal book readings among close friends has grown into a vibrant community of readers who come together to explore great works of spiritual literature and engage in thought-provoking discussions.

Book Reading Circle

A New Earth – by Eckhart Tolle

Every Tuesday 6.30 – 7.30pm at Auroville Library, A New Earth is the second instalment by Eckhart Tolle after the immensely successful and acclaimed book “The Power of Now”. Some say it is as good as...

Be As You Are – Teaching of Ramana Maharshi

Every Wednesday 6 to 7pm @ Serendipity Joy Hall, Auroville, There have been many books written and published on Ramana Maharshi’s teachings, but for me this book stands out. Very logically compiled...

The Power of Now

Every Saturday and Sunday 7 Pm Online There is a way out of suffering”, says Eckhart in his book The Power of Now. Very promising and radical thing to say, Isn’t it? And quite unbelievable too, since...
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Under my skin

I seem to have loved youin numberless forms, numberless timesIn life after life, in age after age, forever.–Tagore I have been coming to India since I can remember, in numberless forms...

A Rock in Kashmir

I saw a rock, Sitting still, Next to a stream. Icy water flowed Through this stream, Melting from the snow, Which was higher up the hill. I had descended From this hill, Covered in a blanket of snow...

Rooting in the present through Mind – Body connection

When I think of insights which helped me have a better view of the world, one in particular stands out. That is, that I try to view my life as a comedy. Every event and interaction, whether positive...

Let Love Flow

May I take all the love there is in the world, And keep it tucked away in my safe? May I spend it wisely? Or find a favorable place, where it’s seed may grow? Can I even control the flow of love? Can...

Consciousness training on a tricky airport trip

I had a bad conscience as I hadn‘t meditated for a couple of days. But bad conscience is unhealthy thoughts and so I was really happy when I listened to a teaching of Eckhart Tolle one day, in which...

Silence – A Portal to God

Would it be right to write an article about silence? Perhaps I should leave an empty space in the blog, inviting everyone to meditate instead. Nevertheless, I choose the paradox presenting a great...