Vision – Spiritual Awakening and End of Conflict between Human Beings
The world has been and continues to burn in hatred and conflict. What we see outside as fights, wars, and competition is a gross reflection of what brews inside our mind. Without doubt, the inner mental pollution is what is enlarged and manifested as outer pollution.
After long arduous exploration, our great sages and spiritual teachers did find a way to clean the mess up, to clear the inner pollution. They found the “root cause” of the problem and techniques to fix it.
This spiritual wisdom and teaching trickled down to masses of people through scriptural texts and commentaries. Those who tasted enlightenment made the effort of sharing their wisdom through discourses and books, so that people from now and future can benefit. Just imagine, if there were no spiritual or philosophy books, what state of madness we would witness today? We would have drifted worst from our current state. So it is fair to say, if it were not for the Gurus and philosophers and thinkers who created their share of spiritual literature, we would not see the light of our day.
Wisdom Books are the books that truly matter because they have the power to create a high spiritual vibration within and outside, and change our life course towards peace. Keeping this thought, we have embarked on this journey to explore and discover spiritual books from all cultures, traditions and authors across the world, and share with people the core spiritual teaching in a comprehensible contemporary way.
And what better way but to get together and read the books collectively. It’s a very potent way to connect with the spiritual literature and at the same time interact and develop a bond with like-minded people. I can assure you that with this approach we can reinforce hope, light and people connectedness that will be the foundation of a brighter life now and ahead