May I take all the love there is in the world,
And keep it tucked away in my safe?
May I spend it wisely?
Or find a favorable place,
where it’s seed may grow?
Can I even control the flow of love?
Can I stop a waterfall from a mountain?
Try what I can,
I can’t make someone love me,
If they decide not to,
Nor can I force myself to love,
Someone who may love me like an ocean.
So then the only way to truly feel love,
Experience its deepest depths,
Is to let love flow.
Flow through you,
Flow into you.
And when it flows to you,
Try not to hold it up,
When it flows out through you,
Try not to resist it.
When it flows around you in a curve,
Try not to change its flow,
For you will always lose,
Flow is not something you can choose.
There may arise often a time,
When there’s no love flowing within,
You can simply observe the love around,
To rekindle the fire of everlasting love within.
By Mamta (India)